ut football poll

Saw it earlier today. It didn't say whether he stole it, knew it was stolen, or possibly bought it and was trying to flip it (whatever it is). If he stole it he should pay the penalty and i've got a feeling he'll regret it when Butch gets finished with him.
Word is a so called friend talked him into selling it for him because he had lost his ID and couldnt. I dare say they are no longer friends IF true.

By all accounts he is an upstanding kid who comes from a pretty wealthy family and shouldnt have to be stealing somebody elses XBox to sell fo some cash.

I dont know the guy or anything about him.

Nice poll BTW.
gator-n-buck":uykzu8mu said:
I'm sure its just one big misunderstanding... :)

It may or may not be BUT heres the thing. I dont really care one way or another. :tu:

If it is a misunderstanding, hes stupid for putting his ID to anything other than himself. If its not, he is a criminal.

Plus he couldnt block a driveway with a schoolbus, parked sideways.