Best Slug Gun


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2-Step Enabled
Jan 27, 2012
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North Alabama
I am looking for a slug gun and need some honest reviews on what, and what not to look at. Planning on hunting in IL this coming season and want the reliability of a shotgun instead of a muzzleloader. I have looked at several guns-Savage, etc and they all seem the same to me. I look forward to hearing your thoughts and your input about what has and has not worked for you.

Thanks in Advance.
I am looking for a slug gun and need some honest reviews on what, and what not to look at. Planning on hunting in IL this coming season and want the reliability of a shotgun instead of a muzzleloader. I have looked at several guns-Savage, etc and they all seem the same to me. I look forward to hearing your thoughts and your input about what has and has not worked for you.

Thanks in Advance.
In my humble opinion Mossburg from Walmart will do as good as any. They all shoot good from the inexpensive ones to the high buck ones. My advice is to go to BassPro or Academy and hold as many as you can. Ask the gun guys which they recommend for the kind of hunting you experience like 3 1/2" shells, 109 yard shots, out of a tree, walk long distances, have it for birds and deer, etc. These all are important. Also how much you want to spend. It's a personal choice. Good luck.
I've been shooting an 870 with a cantilever barrel (12 ga.) up there for over 20 years...if I were to buy a new gun tomorrow, I'd look at the Savage 220 (20ga) brother has been hunting with one for several years and it is so much more pleasant to shoot than the 870. 10x better trigger, tack driving accuracy, more managed recoil, etc.
220 20 ga. Never a 12 ga in any of them. The 20 kicks less, has just as much "knock down power" and shoots flatter. The best bang for the buck. 200 yard gun and shoots accurately out to a long ways. Will for sure kill to 200 yards.

Only issue with it, like most any gun, will be finding ammo. I stocked up when I got my 220 several years ago. Longest kill I made with my 220 was 180 yards.
Savage 220 20 gauge slug gun, the gun has the Accu trigger which is great and it's an absolute Tack driver, Love mine. My son uses a Mossberg Maverick 20 gauge with Remington accutips, very accurate but the trigger pull is way different of course. Either will do it's just according to how much you want to put in it, I would definitely go 20 gauge. Good luck!
Savage 220 hands down. The only issue I have is finding slugs. Mine likes Remington Accutip and if you do find them they are 8-10 dollars each. I just can't do that.
I own several and have had a couple of more. I had the savage 12ga and the 20ga. Hands down the 20 is better lighter, more accurate and less recoil than the heavier 12. I also have an 870 and 1187 in 12ga I like both. I had a Benelli Nova 20ga that was my dad's I liked the feel of it but neither one of us shot it. My favorite of them all is my a-bolt
H&R Ultra Slug is a good one as well. Very accurate but it is a single shot. They are not produced anymore. I bought mine used several years ago. I shoot Federal TruBall slugs--about $6 for a box of 5.
Savage 220. Very accurate gun. Mine is topped with a Burris E1. If you can find them, 2 3/4 Remington accutips. I use that setup for Oak Ridge draw hunts and for the odd chance I may hunt a state that won't allow shotguns.
I am looking for a slug gun and need some honest reviews on what, and what not to look at. Planning on hunting in IL this coming season and want the reliability of a shotgun instead of a muzzleloader. I have looked at several guns-Savage, etc and they all seem the same to me. I look forward to hearing your thoughts and your input about what has and has not worked for you.

Thanks in Advance.
I would not limit yourself to a slug gun. I am almost certain that Illinois has a change in their deer gun requirements starting in 2023. You might want to check out their website for details. 350 Legend, 444 Marlin, 450 Bushmaster, 45-70, are now legal as long as the gun can hold no more than one bullet. I'd look into a CVA Scout or a Henry singleshot or maybe a used H&R if you can find one.
I have an 1187 with rifled barrel. I shoot Hornady SST's out of it and the thing is incredibly accurate.
Savage 220. I have hunted with slug guns for the last 43 years, and have tried many during that time. I have setteled on the savage 220. I'm not a fan of the accutips for terminal performance on deer. I have used the Barnes expander and now the federal trophy copper (basically the same, just federal version).
Savage 220. I have hunted with slug guns for the last 43 years, and have tried many during that time. I have setteled on the savage 220. I'm not a fan of the accutips for terminal performance on deer. I have used the Barnes expander and now the federal trophy copper (basically the same, just federal version).
Spot on! Accutips are great for shooting groundhogs and paper. Not so much for deer.
I have a Savage 212 that is a rack driver and also a Benelli Super Black Eagle 3 rifled barrel slug gun that shoots great. Just purchased an H&R Ultra Slug Hunter yesterday but haven't shot it yet.
I used to hunt corp land a few times and like the savage 220 but couldn't justify the cost for no more than I'd use it so I bought a Mossberg 500 20-gauge with a rifled barrel. Only killed 1 deer with it but at 75 yards he dropped in his tracks and the wound channel was quite impressive. Haven't used it in probably 5 years but can't make myself get rid of it.
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Tarr-Hunt was and is THE best. 2nd best is the Browning A-Bolt slug gun, built just like the A-bolt rifle, fully floated barrel, 60 degree bolt, fully adjustable trigger, and drilled and tapped for a scope. I bought one new when they first came out thinking I too might go somewhere a rifle wasnt legal. I never did. Fast forward a few years and Savage came out with the 10ML II and I bought one of those. It made a shotgun obsolete so when I saw what the Brownings were selling for, I SOLD MINE! I gave 400 something for it new and sold it for 1100 I think.

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