Items or products you don't hunt without.

The right type and amount of clothing. If I get cold, I'm done. Thankfully, the old days of hunting in jeans and a flannel shirt or two are long gone. Back in those days, hypothermia was my constant companion while hunting from a stand. Now, with all the high-tech clothing, if I shiver even once, I didn't wear enough or the right clothes.
The right type and amount of clothing. If I get cold, I'm done. Thankfully, the old days of hunting in jeans and a flannel shirt or two are long gone. Back in those days, hypothermia was my constant companion while hunting from a stand. Now, with all the high-tech clothing, if I shiver even once, I didn't wear enough or the right clothes.
Yes Sir, I'm with you 💯 present. I also remember those old days of being cold.
A good seat and wool underwear. These two things keep me still for quite a while.
We use a lot of the old cheap one and two-person ladder stands that only have the open mesh metal-grate seats. Sitting on those for 3-4 hours will kill you. Although commercial seats are available, we just cut sections of foam padding and upholstered them with water-proof material. Most hunting backpacks have extra straps that can be used to strap these on the outside of the pack. Yes, they are much bulkier than the commercially available seats, but in my opinion, much more comfortable.

And as for wool underwear, for years I used fleece long underwear. They are great down to near freeze, but below that, well... I had always resisted the merino wool route because of the cost. $100 for pants and $120 for a top was out of my league, considering I would need several sets. However, last year, someone here on TNdeer turned me on to a sale of off-brand merino wool long underwear. I think I got a set of pants and top for around $100. And now, after having tried them for a season, I am 100% on board the merino wool train! Truly amazing.

By the way, good to see you back on here Trapper!
Yes Sir, I'm with you 💯 present. I also remember those old days of being cold.
In the old days, I remember being so deep into hypothermia that I stopped shivering (a very bad sign). I would lose the ability to speak clearly and lose enough muscle control that climbing down from my stand was extremely dangerous.