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Landman and Company Hung Tough


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2002
Chattanooga, TN
"If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen."

I'll be honest. I think I was more nervous about yesterday's fishing trip than any I've guided in years. Jimmy Settle (TNDeer's Landman) booked a date for he, his Dad, James, and brother, Roy, months ago. I suggested postponing our original date because my Chickamauga bite was off. Come to find out, the Watts Bar bite was on fire at the time (I just hadn't figured it out yet until after we had postponed :bash:). Plus, we were looking at scorching heat. :livid: Hence, I was scared to death said postponement was going to bite me in the butt. :pray: Thank goodness, the Tennessee River catfish (as usual) had my back. :super:

I honestly didn't think the Settle Family would stand the heat, at least not for a full day. But this threesome is hardcore! They would have fished me into the ground. Thank goodness they had to call it in order to meet up with the guy who cleans and vacuum seals catfish for me (yea, that's new).

Until then Landman, Roy and James hung tough. And FYI, James is 78 years young! And as is fitting, the family patriarch caught the big catfish of the day... 32 lbs.! But everybody had quality fish... at least 40 or more blue cats ended up in the boat. Two dozen of the best "eaters" got to head home for the Settle freezer. It was a grand day on the Tennessee River.


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I've been blessed to fish and hunt with several guides across the USA and had one of the best times ever yesterday
When Richard called offering another date I knew that didn't get offered with most guides.
After Daddy caught his first fish at 32 lbs I didn't care if I even caught one, the trip was all about him, I'm sure he will
be telling that story online, over the phone, at church, any place one will listen. Was a Great trip and would highly
recommend Richard to anyone.

Oh and by the way we could have kept fishing but, Richard starting singing along with the radio....it was time to go :poke:

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