Similar "intel" can be obtained via setting your trigger intervals to say 1 second or 5 seconds.
You will typically get better images with these "stills", and can still get most the other "intel".
Of course, for this to work, it requires a cam with very quick "recovery" between triggering events.
Most cams are optimized for their fastest trigger speeds with "still" pics (rather than video).
So most cams will "trigger" faster (get the pic) when NOT set in video mode.
SOME cams are designed mainly for video, but I'm not aware of any cell cams that trigger as fast in video mode as still image mode.
Another option I frequently use (instead of video) is adjusting the settings to take 7 pics one second apart with a triggering event, while the triggering interval may be set for 20 or 30 seconds.
This would be somewhat similar to getting 7-second video clips, with 20 or 30 seconds between clips.
Nothing against video, but the above ideas can extend battery life and provide more detailed imagery.