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Would you be ready for this …… EXTREMELY GRAPHIC!

The entire post because " it doesn't add up" ????


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very true! thats why I said to apply IF the bleeding is too bad to stop via pressure. In this case, its pretty evident that you would have to! Kudos to the officer for knowing what to do!
Believe me even a small 10 gauge hole in a femoral artery from a needle bleeds a lot and worse yet if a clamp comes off while operating on one will spray you in the face.

My only experience with a prop that I was present when it happened ( not counting the ER experience at Grady) was a champion duck dog that happened below Melton Hill dam about 10 years ago. We had just pulled up with my flats boat to fish for stripers and I was taking straps off. A guy comes from around the corner upstream yelling help help and was covered in blood! I grabbed my emergency bag and ran down to find his big lab sliced up the chest. That dog was bleeding like stink. We have a saying in cardiac surgery…… bleeding ain't bleeding until you can hear it!!!!….. I could almost hear it!!!! I put direct pressure on it, then had my buddy start open ABD pads ( like a big Kotex) , lap pads, and then wrapped his whole chest in a stretchy type of wide tape. I did all this and while the guy put his boat on his truck. I kept pressure on the dog who was either in shock or the best behaved dog I ever saw. Carried his over and put him in the front seat and had the 20ish year old son put his hand on the big bandage and I said " don't let up until you get to the vet.

It happened because the son came off plane too fast while the dog was on the bow. Dog went under the boat ……

I heard the dog survived
Almost looks like two different victims maybe? One leg is way hairier than the other. Both are torn up good for sure. My prop is fairly new still and is sharp as hell. No doubt it would cut you up real easy. Glad he survived and evidently recovered.

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