We seem to see two seasonal shifts.
Annually, maybe even more than two significant ones?
Not a range "shift", but simply that deer are often just moving around daily within their range more than many hunters might believe.
I've been fortunate to be able to somewhat keep tabs on deer movement within several square miles (thousands of acres). Very challenging to identify individual antlerless deer, but some individual bucks can be easily recognized.
One thing that has somewhat surprised me more recently is how far deer will travel daily during the summer months. While we may see identifiable bucks (and does) at a particular salt lick, or in a particular field daily, we may not realize these deer are actually traveling linearly and daily somewhere between 1/2 and 1-mile plus, just as a matter of "routine". And while they may bed much of the day in a general area, they are often bedding hundreds of yards away today from where they spent most of the day yesterday.
This past summer I had a couple of mature bucks running together, one of which was extremely identifiable as a mainframe 7 and by his bilateral forked G2s (like a mule deer). They were daily traveling a round trip of about 2 linear miles (total daily travel appeared to exceed 3 miles). This was during June, July, and August while growing their antlers. This was not a seasonal range shift, but somewhat a daily "pattern", with most of these "patterns" encompassing much greater distances and acreage than one might think. The mainframe 7 with the forked G2s has died, and the other (which was just more or less an average mainframe 8) has shifted his range and routine.
A couple years ago, during the summer months, I had a very identifiable doe, identifiable because she was ruptured, her stomach exposed. No idea how she lived nearly a year after first seen like this. But, she was near daily traveling a round trip of nearly 2 miles as well.
Deer are "browsers", and it's their nature to be walking & feeding, not confined to a 2-acre wood lot in a subdivision. Where not constrained by man, they will commonly move significant linear distances in most 24-hr periods. Talking year round, not just bucks during the rut, albeit rutting bucks greatly increase their daily distances, sometimes walking all day, not even taking time to eat.