Use the crab baskets as rsimms shows and tie in chicken wings in the center of the bottom of it. Those baskets come in wire form or a cotton woven mesh form. Use the chicken wings and tie the center portion of it in. I usually tie it between the two bones of that center section of the wing because crabs and fish are very good at removing bait. Tie in a couple of wings if you can and the "older" the chicken wing, the better. Old wings can stink but the crabs sure love them. Tie a large lead weight underneath the center of it to help keep it in place due to tides/current. Drop the baited basket down around most any structure (grass beds, under bridges, pier pilings, smaller creek bridges, etc). Check it as often as you like. Kids usually love checking it more often that they need to but oh well, you are there for them to enjoy it anyway.
Keep a small cooler with ice to put the legal size crabs in when you catch them (just dump them out of the basket onto the ice). Be sure to know the legal size limit in your area for crabs. It is usually 6" minimum tip of shell to tip of shell (left to right). Also, if any of the crabs have a large yellow looking sponge underneath them, throw them back. Those are females with eggs and you are not allowed to keep those.
Have fun!