
  1. gwhjr

    Coyote & Bobcat season Shotgun Only after Deer Season

    I saw this in the ‘what’s new’ section online while reviewing recent changes. I’m curious what shotgun only no single projectiles means? No slugs? Do they really want me calling in these size animals to shotgun pellet range? Sounds adventurous to say the least. Maybe I’m just green. Any...
  2. L

    Need to thin out the coyotes.

    Here' one from my game camera. I wasn't able to call them in this weekend with the mouth call. I had to send in my Foxpro caller & decoy for repairs, but it should be on the way back.
  3. L

    Small Female Coyote with Mange

    Finally on the board. Long day of calling on a cold day. I snuck up on this one (50 yds). I popped out of a creek bottom. She was sniffing around the pond. Small female with bad mange. Question to the group: Does anyone know how transmissible mange is to domestic pets? Likely some risk, but...