
  1. CharlieTN

    An interesting hunt with a succesful end.

    Was so excited to hit the woods this morning after seeing a couple of nice bucks recently starting to dog after some does. Got in nice and early, got my ground setup all situated, then sat back and waited, and waited, and waited. Finally at just after nine had a spike push a small doe past...
  2. .243 Deer

    Getting Close

    To the Rut ! Right now I'm looking at a 6 point buck chasing a little doe and grunting at her. If I were a betting lady, there should be some good action going on this upcoming muzzleloader weekend. The weekend after that should be golden too. Goodluck to everyone out in the woods this weekend...
  3. .243 Deer

    Morning or Evening hunts ?

    Which do y'all prefer, morning or evening hunts ? Personally, I'm more of a morning hunter because I feel like I see more deer. Late December is the only time I'll do an evening hunt because it's less cold out. Sometimes it's difficult getting up in the morning if it's 20 degrees out !
  4. Zwinegar

    New hunter looking for friends near unit C region 6 JC area interested in all game animals

    I’m a new hunter this is my first year getting into it. I’ve been researching and learning everything I need to know and purchasing tools of the trade etc. I’m hoping to hunt the North Cherokee wma come season time for squirrels then deer, turkeys, and the works all year but don’t know any...
  5. pk117ac23

    Food Plots WTB / Rent Disc (Dickson / Nashville)

    WTB / Rent 3-Point Disc Attachment for Tractor Looking for a relatively inexpensive rusty relic (4-6ft ish) that may be sitting under weeds and shrubs on the side of your barn so I can break up some weedy, grassy recently cut soil to food plot a small spot on our property. I'd love to rent one...
  6. S

    Hello from the bayou!

    I had the pleasure of hunting turkey in Tennessee last year. Loved the hunt, the scenery and the people I met! Looking forward to making a return trip this spring. Anyone have land they would allow an out of stater to hunt on for a few days? Willing to pay!
  7. Omega

    Snow day to close out the season.

    Anyone else out today? Troops are off today so banked my time to take off as well. Hoping a doe or two show up on the last day of the season. Big flakes are falling but nothing is sticking, just making it difficult to spot movement.
  8. Georgia  deer

    Georgia deer

  9. J

    First year hunting!

    Hello, I’m 22yrs old and have always had friends and family who have hunted deer, I’ve always wanted to start but haven’t had a guide or chance. Im out on my own now and free to start my adventure, I’ve lived in Rutherford County my whole life and have never gone deer hunting. I’ve watched...
  10. Omega

    My Next Euro

    Went out to my place early yesterday, expecting to get some sleep before getting in some time in the stand in the morning. But apparently it was not to be, my alarm was going off indicating the power was too low, and I am running two batteries. So was forced to run the generator, recall I have...
  11. Easy3actual

    Crazy Rack

    Just checked my camera for the last time before the season starts. What do y’all think?
  12. Omega

    Backyard visitor

    Had this guy show up in my backyard a couple nights ago, they used to hang out in a field next door, but they built a church there now so I guess they cruise the backyards now.