
  1. SpurChaser

    New Duck Hunter

    Hello everybody, Quick question on ducks here in TN. I have never duck hunted before, and am wondering what all I need to do to be able to attempt at killing ducks. Is hunting from a public blind required, or am I able to get in a canoe and shoot ducks in a piece of public land? I know I need...
  2. younggun308

    South wind fronts

    Obviously optimism reigns with excitement when a storm system or strong, cold wind comes from the north. But what about when, as often happens, you get a front from the Gulf? I’m curious about 2 scenarios particularly: 1) when you have migrators pushed in the area already 2) when, so far as...
  3. younggun308

    Coots & Grebes = Scouting Tool?

    When you scout on days you aren’t seeing ducks, but see plenty of grebes and coots, have you ever found those spots to be good later on when there is a push of ducks? Just wondering what if any non-duck waterfowl other than geese and maybe mergansers indicate the pathways where ducks like to...