
  1. BigRed1080

    New Fleshing Beam - Need Advice

    Hello All! I just got a new fleshing beam and want to try a new setup. I had it previously fixed to the base of a wall at 45ish degrees and it never moved. I would like to have a setup I could pull out and clean behind and put away after all the fur is put away. Any suggestions? Or anyone want...
  2. HotelDelta

    Making hats/clothes etc

    So I'm in the Nashville area and I'm gonna be trapping coons. Me and some buddies want those daniel boone coon skin hats. Does anyone on here work with animal hide or know anyone I could pay to make the hats?
  3. BigRed1080

    Looking for wood or wire stretchers

    Good Evening, I am looking for some more wood or wire raccoon, fox, maybe adjustable stretchers. Let me know where you get yours from or if you make them. Thanks