
  1. .243 Deer

    Morning or Evening hunts ?

    Which do y'all prefer, morning or evening hunts ? Personally, I'm more of a morning hunter because I feel like I see more deer. Late December is the only time I'll do an evening hunt because it's less cold out. Sometimes it's difficult getting up in the morning if it's 20 degrees out !
  2. pk117ac23

    Food Plots WTB / Rent Disc (Dickson / Nashville)

    WTB / Rent 3-Point Disc Attachment for Tractor Looking for a relatively inexpensive rusty relic (4-6ft ish) that may be sitting under weeds and shrubs on the side of your barn so I can break up some weedy, grassy recently cut soil to food plot a small spot on our property. I'd love to rent one...
  3. S

    New Hunter - First Hunting Rifle Suggestions

    Hey guys! I'm a bit embarrassed to admit, but I'm in my 30s and have never been hunting, nor have I ever owned a rifle. I’m in East Tennessee, and the goal is to go hunting next season. I would like to go ahead and buy a rifle within a month or two (been wanting one for a while anyway). With...
  4. L

    Small Female Coyote with Mange

    Finally on the board. Long day of calling on a cold day. I snuck up on this one (50 yds). I popped out of a creek bottom. She was sniffing around the pond. Small female with bad mange. Question to the group: Does anyone know how transmissible mange is to domestic pets? Likely some risk, but...
  5. BigRed1080

    An excellent surprise on this Wednesday!

    Well I just got home to an early Christmas present. My mother in law sent the Christmas present directly to our house, so she won’t have to travel with them. I guess I know what I’ll have under the tree. New trapping and hunting waders! Now to see if I can get her to let me use them next week...
  6. Omega

    Hunting Trailer

    Why hasn't anyone done up a special trailer like this one, but add spots for weapons and other hunting gear. I would have totally bought this if I had known about it.