
  1. R


    Howdy everyone - born and raised in Middle TN. I grew up hunting and fishing. Have just recently purchased my first bow and looking forward to using it next season. Have been a rifle hunter all my life and have gotten tired of not seeing deer due to post rut rifle season. Just hear to learn a...
  2. PSU Cosmic

    Clarksville Newbie

    Hello everyone! I'm a 30 year old Marine Corps veteran who now works from home, and over the years I have come to miss being out in the field. I recently picked up a Savage Model 110 Apex Hunter XP bundle chambered in .308 Win, and I'm looking to get out in the woods. Ideally, I'd like to hunt...
  3. .243 Deer

    Hello Y'all !

    Hello y'all ! I'm new here but I wanted to join after reading some posts. I'm a younger hunter and I really enjoy getting out in the outdoors and getting some venison. Anyone else excited for the rut this year ? I know I sure am ! It won't be long now :) Stay safe y'all and Good Luck to...