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#1 was a doozy


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2004
Reaction score
Arlington tn
Not the pertiest bird I ever shot ,missing 4 tail feathers . 1" spurs,10" beard ,and weighed 20#s. nice 2 Y/O bird.
The hunt was priceless ,one of those hunts where you work youre tail off to get to birds and then you have about a 99% chance of failure and you cash in on that 1% .In other words I worked real hard for this bird ,but in the end it was pure luck that prevailed. I wont say how many steps out he was .I missjudged on distance alittle.LOL
Well thanks ,I couldn't get out of bed and go this morning ,because I was so sore,My knees are swollen my back is so stiff ,I can hardly bend over, and all that with no hills to hunt, if we had hills around here I would be dead for sure!
Note to self: buy youreself some chest waders that are not neopream and hot as he!! cause walking about 4 miles in suckioncup mud, quicksand,through briers and across chest deep snake infested waters is no fun ,but the reward is worth it.