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10yr old hooked


Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2010
TN,Wilson Co.
Took my son this morning and it was slow. only heard one gobble all morning. So we started moving around 10. Found a player at 10:30 about a mile from were we started. Finally got him to cross one field and was coming into our field with 4 or 5 hens. The hens wouldn't come in to the field with my decoys and cut into the woods and circled behind us. The tom got to the edge of the field then frooze up. I thought my son had moved and we were busted. He followed the hens into the woods and came around the side of us. So i started some fast loud yelps and he unloaded the gobbler. He was in a thickett and was struting back and fourth. Then he started druming. My son was going crazy. Since they didn't come the way we wanted, he was having a hard time controling the gun, not on the shooting stick. Then a hen dicided to come check us out and got with in 7ft of us and i thought my son was going to grab her by the neck lol. It turned and walked away, so i told my son not to worry about the hens just concentrate on the tom. So we watched him here and there threw the briars at about 20 yards. After about 30 min and all his hens had left, he got a little closer and Evan unloaded. BANG!! Nothing. He ran off and Evan said his arm had gotten numb holding the gun up and he thinks that is why he missed. I told him that just being able to get that close to one was a success and that i was proud of him. Oh yeah he really wants to go back now!! LOL God i love that kid.

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