115ish in 10" at 40yds?


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2006
Reaction score
Lewisburg, Tn
reading what some of you guys are getting i think i need a better choke. i shot #4,5,and 6s they all are right around 115ish at 40 yds never shot at a turkey over 20 yds so its not a big deal i was just supprised at the difference. is 200 plus normal with a good choke or is it more the shells?
I've never shot at a turkey over 20 yd either but then I have only killed 4. I hear that 40 yards is only really necessary for that one bird who gets hung up. I can't shoot well at 40 yards, not sure if it's my choke or my aim (probably my aim) but at 20 I am lethal and that's all I need. Never got into the numbers game.... maybe someday but not this season.
I have a remington 870 sps-t with a rhino .660. i shoot the Nitro ammunition with 4 x 5 x 7 hevishot. Its pretty awesome. Lots of chokes and shells will do very well. Kicks chokes, tru glo is a good choke for the money also the jellyhead. There are more. Shells i would recommend hevi-13 or hevishot magblends or nitro ammunition.
from what i read the mossberg it bored larger than the 870 and to go by constriction points? and by nitro ammo do you mean remington nitro turkey?
ImThere said:
Nothing at all wrong with that as long as there's not any gaping holes in the pattern that a tom's head might sneak through. Polishing the bore will likely add a few more, but maybe some of the guys on here that shoot 835s will chime in with specifics.
what shell are you shooting now?

there is nothing wrong with 115 at 40 and is not THAT FAR off from an average lead pattern. Also if you always shoot at 20 and under why mess with it at all?

Hevi shot will be MUCH better patterns then lead just plan fact. Also most that are getting over 200 are using smaller shot or a blend type of shot. Some will get over 200s using 6's but most are shooting 7's or blends.

if you are happy with what you got and kill with it just keep shooting it and save some money. If you like to tinker like some of the rest of this ask away, there are more then a few on here that can help you
115 with lead 4's is pretty impressive. Sounds like not enough choke for the 5's and 6's.
i bought the winchester in the black boxes and i should mention the #4 were the only 3.5 load all others were 3in the #5 were remingtons
Don't worry about it. Those are good lead patterns that will flatten a tom all day everyday.