166 and 167

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The Ol Professor

Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2008
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Mid TN
I just finished reading a TWRA email regarding the new fee structure and noticed a couple of licenses I'm not familiar with. Can you explain the 166-Resident Permanent Senior Citizen and the 167-Resident Annual Senior Citizen Sportsmans licenses please. I'm 3-years away from getting one or both of those bad boys!
The 166 is the permanent senior citizen this license covers all of your licenses and costs $11.00, it does not cover your permits such as trout and WMA permits and quota hunts, you could then purchase the 167 which is the annual permit that turns the 166 into like a sportman. just remember that the 166 is permanent and the 167 is annual
Thank you feisty.
I saw that the 166 would be a one time $50 and that the 167 would be an annual fee of $50. Did the math on my way home and decided I would start eating better and exercising more and then buy a lifetime license for $270 when i turn 65. :D
Following is my understanding of the coming changes:

The changes in the Senior Citizen licenses are related to how the US Fish and Wildlife Service allows licenses to be counted as it relates to their reallocation of federal funding dollars from the Pittman-Robertson and Wallop-Breaux Acts. These are the federal taxes on hunting and fishing equipment that the sportsman asked to be put on them to better fund hunting and fishing management in the country. Two years ago, after decades of allowing them to be counted, the USFWS disallowed the permanent Senior Citizen license in TN. Their ruling has cost TWRA around 4 million dollars in federal funds over the last two years.

TWRA has been in lengthy negotiations with the feds concerning this issue. It is my understanding that they will allow us to count them this year, but there will be no compensation for the lost federal funds. In order for them to be counted in the future the price had to be raised so it was more proprtionate to an annual license. Thus, the annual Senior Citizen Sportsman license was created.

My understanding of the licenses is that the type 166 Permanent Senior Citizen license will continue to cover all licenses, but no permits, as it does now. The Type 167 Senior Citizen Sportsman License will cover licenses and permits. I do not know if it covers the magazine, or not.

The price increases, etc., were not what TWRA wanted to do with that license, but losing two plus million dollars a year was a very big hit and something had to be done.By adjusting the prices TWRA should be allowed to count them in the reappropriation formula.
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