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1st KY bird down!

infoman jr.

Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2003
Reaction score
Louisville, KY
I've never been much of a turkey hunter. Dad filled that role. I'd killed 3 turkeys in my life before today. The first turkey I killed was a double with dad when I was 11, then when I was 13, I killed one at Oak Ridge that had 1.5" spurs and 10.5" beard, then my last one I think I was 21 or 22. I had liked to turkey hunt, but bass fishing just had priority. Six years later and Dad's passing, I decided I'd really like to kill one. My neighbor took me to his inlaw's place close to home this morning. We walked back into the woods and he bellowed out on his owl call (this guy could really blow a call!). 2 toms hammered within 50 yards of us. I slipped a hen decoy out of my vest and placed it in the woods road where we stood, and we set up close by. One of the birds gobbled his head off on the roost, spitting, drumming and strutting for about 30 minutes. I could see this bird through the branches of the cedar tree that separated us, and that was a treat. The other bird wasn't quite as vocal, gobbling only 3 times, but I saw him pitch down over a rise about 50 yards away. I could suddenly see his red head bobbing over a log but waited til I could get a good look at him. He made his way toward the decoy to 20 yards, and I hammered him. What a great hunt!
9" beard & 1" spurs
Thanks, everyone. I was browsing through some pictures and ran across the last turkey my dad killed. It was April 15, 2010 - exactly 2 years to the day before I killed this one. Pretty neat!

I think mine's bigger :)