I'm with tickweed that calling is overrated. While calling is fun and I do it too much, it is absolutely overrated in today's "tv turkey" world. Defiantly get a few calls, a slate and a box to start with, and practice with them, but don't ever think you can't kill a turkey if your not good with a call. Just some soft purrs on a slate call and scratching in the leaves has called in truckloads of turkeys.
Also, as someone else said, try to find an experienced hunter and tag along. Turkey hunting is not the easiest sport to teach yourself. There are a lot of subtle things that make a big difference. Any turkey hunter worth is salt will be willing to teach some one who wants to learn the sport. Don't ask them to "take you turkey hunting" because they may not want you to shoot the turkeys at their place, but if you tell them you just want to tag along and watch because your trying to learn, you'd probably be surprised how willing turkey hunters are to share knowledge.
The best thing I can tell you is that the best way to kill a turkey is to be where a turkey wants to go and shoot him when he gets there. And the only way to learn where they want to go, is to hunt them and learn on the fly.
Finally, if you really want to turkey hunt, get on Amazon right now and buy "The Tenth Legion" by Tom Kelly. It's about $10 in paperback. It will not teach you how to kill a turkey, but it will make you proud to be a turkey hunter. It's an unbelievable book about the sport in general and the culture surrounding it.
Good Luck