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# 2 Goes Down!!! (pic)


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2004
East Tennessee
Well I couldn't ask for a better weeekend of turkey hunting! My buddy and I both tagged one and got to share both hunts together! I now know the true meaning of enjoying the hunt and not the kill! I got to be there when he took his with the bird gobbling his head off all morning. Matter of fact I think I was more excited when we got his bird more than I was getting mine. Don't get me wrong, I loved every minute of my hunt but setting up on a gobbling bird is one of the most thrilling things that can happen in the turkey woods! Sunday was very windy and we chased this guy around all morning using the wind to cover our stalk. Luck was on our side and we were able to both get with in 45 yards. He had planned on videoing the hunt but the hens ended up picking us off and got very skiddish! The strutter wasn't hanging around long so I gave him a dose of lead poisoning! Gotta thank Brad for helping make this happen! 19lbs, 9.5 beard and 1 inch spurs!

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