2 Questions...

Mike Belt

Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 1999
Reaction score
Lakeland, Tn.
1)How many of you carry a filed point tipped arrow in your quiver when you're hunting and 2)how many have accidentally fired that field point at a deer? I ask because a friend related a story to me today while we were hanging stands. He always carried 1 field point arrow in his quiver. He had a pretty good buck feeding out in front of him and guessed at the distance and let her rip. The arrow went right under the belly. While keeping his eyes on the buck he pulled another arrow and nocked it figuring he now knew the exact distance and let her fly. Perfect broadside, double lung shot. The deer ran. He went and retrieved his arrows sticking in the ground and couldn't find much blood at all. He searched and searched and never found that buck. This guy is a pretty good hunter and if it can happen to him it can happen to anybody. Just a head up. Watch what you're doing.
Bowdacious said:
knightrider said:
it is illegal to carry them while deerhunting
You sure about that? I can't find anything that says you can't.
I only carry broadheads, so it is an issue that has never come up with me, but I know a guy that did exactly what the original poster stated. As far as them being illegal to have with you, they are not illegal to have with in you while bowhunting, but they are illegal to shoot a deer with. This topic was brought up in the TWRA forum several months ago.
If I remember correctly, it is illegal to carry a field point on a WMA during a deer hunt.

On private property or PH property, I think it is legal.

But I do not carry any. I use Stingers (broadheads). They are replaced free after use.
I only take broadheads, but I do have a slick trick that is on reserve duty for finishing shots or a variety of vermin or sight confirmation (confidence builder from the tree when I haven't shot in awhile) that is fletched different.