. I got my calls in the mail yesterday. I loved the sweet lips and the joker I've got to practice with a little but it will be deadly when I get the hang of it. I decided to go this evening after work to a farm I just acquired this year and would be using the sweet lips call.I saw a group of birds on the ridge when I went in and decided to make a move on them. There were 2 Toms and about a dozen hens in that flock. I was coming around behind them when a hen stuck her head up and busted me. They flew across the hollow and were hauling the mail. I went on to the top of that ridge and I hear a gobble. He is on the other side of of this hollow with about 30 cows in between me and him. I yelp at him and he hammers down. A couple more series of yelps he is gobbling like crazy but will not commit. I made a series of cuts and yelps and he gets fired up. He finally commits and starts coming across the pasture at the bottom of the hollow. I gave him the silent treatment and he got out of sight at the bottom of this ridge he is now around 60 yards from me. I don't know where he is so I yelp soft and he hammers right below me. He is at about 45 or 50 yards over a rise in front of me. So I get set and ready for the shot. I heard him putt slightly to my left and he is at 30 yards. I make a quick adjustment and smoke him. He never moved again. He had beard rot beard was 7 1/2, spurs 1 1/8 and 1 1/16 weight 19.4. Thanks Swamp Boys custom calls!