2019 Bird Limit


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2013
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Spoke to a TWRA officer today. I asked him what was up with the birds this year. He said he thinks it was just a combination of things I.E. bad hatch, weather and predators which I agree with along with a four bird limit. We spoke about the limit for next year and he told me that he is hearing it may be dropped to 3 birds for the 2019 season. Personally I have no problem with that, would rather see it dropped to 2 birds to get the population back up, then maybe increase it to three, 5 to 10 years from now. Has anyone on here heard the anything along these lines?
I got a turkey survey in the mail Monday and there were two questions on it about limit and opening day. It ask what I thought about a 3 bird limit and what I thought about opening season two weeks later making a shorter season.
PickettSFHunter":24x2dvpk said:
No changes to the spring limit were recommended at the season setting meeting in May.

Lots of changes were recommended by the public. But no amendment was made to the proclamation and it was approved (for the next 2 years) with no changes to the spring bag limit.

The FWC is too tied to this 5 year research study and afraid that changing limits will skew data.
F250":23ydlbaw said:
I got a turkey survey in the mail Monday and there were two questions on it about limit and opening day. It ask what I thought about a 3 bird limit and what I thought about opening season two weeks later making a shorter season.

Who was it from? State or NWTF?
Has anyone considered whether there has been a great turkey rapture? I mean sometime between last fall and the beginning of turkey season they just disappeared with no other plausible explanation. It's like one morning instead of flying down from the roost many of them flew up and never came down. Of course,there are pockets of turkeys that seemed unaffected and I'm figuring these were the dens of iniquity, like Sodom and Gomorrah. They weren't the elect turkeys so they were left here to endure the tribulation of turkey season. Many ran for the hills but thousands were slaughtered with TSS and lured with giant gobbler fans to their deaths. I think I like my explanation over blaming it on low fur prices increasing the number of turkey nest predators. These are the end times you know.
Southern Sportsman":resu8gy6 said:
F250":resu8gy6 said:
I got a turkey survey in the mail Monday and there were two questions on it about limit and opening day. It ask what I thought about a 3 bird limit and what I thought about opening season two weeks later making a shorter season.

Who was it from? State or NWTF?
Its the study over the five counties in southern middle Tennessee. It came from UT Knoxville so it is the state study.
Southern Sportsman":315llqon said:
PickettSFHunter":315llqon said:
No changes to the spring limit were recommended at the season setting meeting in May.

Lots of changes were recommended by the public. But no amendment was made to the proclamation and it was approved (for the next 2 years) with no changes to the spring bag limit.

The FWC is too tied to this 5 year research study and afraid that changing limits will skew data.

"No changes for the sake of the study" was the only way the agency was able to fend off the commission going to 2 birds/day last year. That knife cuts both ways apparently.

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I still think they need to go to units. Many parts of TN can handle a 4 bird limit. Many parts don't need more than 1 or 2. Population is still doing fine where I live, seems whole bunch of hens with poults over the past couple weeks.

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Zero consideration for the heavy rains and flooding lots of the state experienced this spring shows how clueless our lawmakers are. There's no adjusting for years when production is low. It makes no sense, any of it.

Oh and outlaw decoys immediately
I had a hard time this past season getting birds to gobble. Did manage to kill one about 6:00 one evening though. Never gobbled, just jarred the ground with his drumming. I called in two jakes about 8:00 one morning but, decided not to shoot. A couple guys hunting on my neighbors property didn't hardly hear anything.
fairchaser":2ohsu285 said:
Has anyone considered whether there has been a great turkey rapture? I mean sometime between last fall and the beginning of turkey season they just disappeared with no other plausible explanation. It's like one morning instead of flying down from the roost many of them flew up and never came down. Of course,there are pockets of turkeys that seemed unaffected and I'm figuring these were the dens of iniquity, like Sodom and Gomorrah. They weren't the elect turkeys so they were left here to endure the tribulation of turkey season. Many ran for the hills but thousands were slaughtered with TSS and lured with giant gobbler fans to their deaths. I think I like my explanation over blaming it on low fur prices increasing the number of turkey nest predators. These are the end times you know.

That's a awesome way to put it lol
Checked my trail camera today, had 3 hens and six poults eating my corn. First I have seen this year but thats a pretty good sign.
Rakkin6":syxf2r6l said:
Checked my trail camera today, had 3 hens and six poults eating my corn. First I have seen this year but thats a pretty good sign.

Not necessarily. If they are obviously smaller (chicken sized)than the adult hens, they were likely late hatched. I'd like to see poults all summer than just now. Sadly I haven't seen one since June.

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Yeah they definitely were not the same size has the hens so they were a late hatch. Could be more but I went overseas for a few months and forgot to change my batteries in my camera. Stopped getting pics around the 3rd week of July.