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2024 Draw Hunts

I have hunted Catoosa several times, Chuck Swann a time or to and married a girl who lived adjacent to OR. All lots of hills and son mountains. My favorite is AEDC because it is relatively flat and has plenty of deer.
Hunt catoosa every year and have hunted the chuck swan many times. Put in for both again this year. The swan is mountains catoosa is mostly mountains with some just big hills. Never been to aedc and catoosa is 2.5 hours from the house and as far as I feel like going for a quota hunt. Mostly hunt places same as statewide for most of the year.
I have to put in for hunts based on days of the week. I can only be away Friday and Saturday so the Saturday, Sunday hunts don't work for me.


I never plan anything until the results come out. Anything I draw is a blessing.

Hope you all draw the hunts you want.
I'm thinking about putting in for Cheatham but the 450 limit is terrifying to me. I can't imagine 450 hunters on 20,000 acres. That would be a zoo. Anyone ever hunt there have any advice? How realistic is that number of hunters?
I'm thinking about putting in for Cheatham but the 450 limit is terrifying to me. I can't imagine 450 hunters on 20,000 acres. That would be a zoo. Anyone ever hunt there have any advice? How realistic is that number of hunters?
I'll be honest, I think the majority of the hunts have a potential of success but it all depends on how much you can and want to scout it out. Many of the hunts I've been on the hunters hunt in pockets and it's a matter of getting away from those pockets. I wouldn't worry about the number of hunters to much because you are still talking 44 acres per hunter if everyone showed up in a perfect world.
How does the preference point work with two draws? I am assuming I will get drawn for my first choice but not my second. Does it use your preference point then the second draw is as if you have zero points? Have never understood this
Hiwassee Refuge and Yuchi.
Both are less then 30 minutes from me and good meat hunts.
I put in for Yuchi two draws . I used to hunt Hiwassee Refuge alot and killed a couple good bucks but where I'm used to hunting only access is from the river . Don't particularly like going down the river in the fog so I've quit putting in for it .
Can you say whether a boat is needed for Hiwasee?
No you can drive in to some places but it will be crowed . The old Rivers Meet farm can be accessed by vehical . Best I can remember there are places you can park and walk in just have to look at a map . Some good hunting right across from the camping area . Of course it's been many years since I've hunted it . I was told of a honey hole that most think it's private but I'd just have to show you it .
I'm thinking about putting in for Cheatham but the 450 limit is terrifying to me. I can't imagine 450 hunters on 20,000 acres. That would be a zoo. Anyone ever hunt there have any advice? How realistic is that number of hunters?
Laurel hill is 500 on 13,000 acres. Most don't even walk far from the truck. Especially when you get hills involved.
Laurel Hill has always been 500 a hunt. All the obvious places have a vehicle. I always hunt the Thanksgiving week hunt and there is plenty of room.
I only like the first 2 rifle hunts and try to hunt a different spot each year. I agree Thanksgiving is usually the least crowded. Im usually up a tree before 5am and Thanksgiving last year was the first time Ive had anyone come in on me. Not once but 2 mornings back to back. The 3rd morning he didn't show and I killed the buck coming from right where he had been setting up

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