270 or 300 Win Mag?

Browning Slayer

Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2006
Reaction score
Cookeville, Tennessee
Here is my delima. I already have a nice Browning A-bolt .270 sittin under a leopold. I now got a new TC Pro Hunter Muzzleloader for Christmas. I am about to buy an additional barrel for it. Do i buy the new 300 Win Mag? Is there that much of a difference between the 300 mag and the .270? I will only be hunting in Tennessee. Fields and woods. What do you guys think? I also want to buy a .223 for coyotes. So do i keep the .270 or upgrade to the 300?
Definetly keep the .270 Abolt and go with something out of the ordinary in the encore. A bolt gun with 3 or 4 down the mag is much more versatile than the single shot. I might just be tempted to opt for a single shot pistol barrel, though. That's a ton of fun! (Note- you can't legally put a pistol barrel on the ML encore frame if the ATF checks you, though)
Browning Slayer said:
I could probably do that. Im really thinking of keeping the .270 anyways. Theres not that much of a difference in it and the 300 anyways according to ballistics

Lots of difference in ballistics and shouldering one.
I would highly recommend the .300
a 270 with a 110 V-Max or a 130 anything will cover Tn nice,,unless you live west tof the river where you can see for 2 miles then a 300 loaded right has an advantage,,not on game performance,but shot placement is easier past 400 or soo.
stik said:
i don't understand the need for a magnum rifle in tennessee.

I've never understood that either, but since I don't buy anybody's rifle on here, to each his own. I don't need a 45/70 to kill a deer either but I use it anyway.
I usually take my Ar-15 and Rem 700 in 300wsm when I go on deer hunting trips, why you might ask. The AR is very accurate which is good, but does not leave a good blood trail when making behind the shoulder shots, I prefer neck shots when possible. The 300wsm is a Tank and destroys everything in its path, not much tracking, if any. The AR is my open area gun and the 300wsm is for thick woods hunting.
I've had a couple of .300's W.M and WSM's,they are great for going out west but if your gonna do most of your hunting here they are overkill. When I hunt the long stuff here I use my 270WSM or the 25-06. NOw if we evr get an Elk season here(which I can't see happening in my lifetime) yep the 300 will be out of the safe again.
I've never had to follow a blood trail when I've shot a deer with my 300 win mag. All of them have dropped in there tracks. Most of them were hit right behind the shoulder. Now with the 270 I had I had to follow a few blood trails.
Personally, I love my .270 A-Bolt and feel no need for anything larger. I've been dreaming of a light-weight Encore in something like a .260 or 25-06 for a light kicking deer/yote rifle.

Also the single shot negates many of the advantages of the short magnums, since there's no "action" in the single shot.