3 birds in 2 days


Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2008
Reaction score
Well for the first week of season we have had some close calls but just haven't been able to close the deal on any birds. Me and dad woke up late yesterday mornin and didn't get to the woods until 6:30. After no luck on another silent tom we worked our way to the next field over. Just as soon as we got there we heard a gobble about 300yds away. We decided that the birds were moving away so we worked our way all the way around the birds. And to our luck when we got into position the birds seem to be moving back the other way across the field. So we hit the creek inbetween 2 steep ridges and went all the way back to where we started from.

We setup over in the corner of the field that they were gobblin and tried calling them to us. Once again the birds moved out of the field down into the hollow we just walked the creek from. After about 15 min we decided to close the distance on the birds. We moved to the other side of the field setup the hen decoy and got into our pop-up blind. After a few calls the birds responded. We didn't call for about 5 min, and when we hit the call they were really close and coming fast. About 30 seconds later we spotted em coming off the other ridge and up into the field we setup in. I noticed that there was 2 toms so I told dada to get his gun ready too. The birds ran up the hill to the hen decoy and started strutting. Once we both had a clear shot we decided to shoot both at the same time. I shoot and the bird falls, but I noticed there was only one shot. I look over and the other bird takes off running and my dad fires a shot and misses. The tom jumps up and takes off flying I then take a wild waterfowl swinging shot through a small tree and knock the bird out of the air. My dad races over and finished him off.

We didn't wiegh the birds but my bird has a 9.5 inch beard with 1" spurs. And dads bird's beard had rotted off and was only 5" but also had 1" spurs.


This morning was the fastest turkey hunt we have ever had. We got out of the truck at 6:05 and was back at the truck at 6:35. This bird had a 10 1/4" beard with 1" spurs.


This weekend was really awesome, we have never doubled in the same morning and had the fastest hunt ever. Hope the season goes on this good.