3-D practice vid

At the first of the video you can hear that sound ... I thought I split the wife's arrow but it was an insert inside the target . My point was stuck inside the insert . Didn't really mess it up .
I couldn't see much in the video but it is fun to video the shoots. You can see a lot about how you shoot by watching yourself in the 3rd person. I thought you had missed that first target from the sound lol but thought to myself "surely he wouldn't have put that in a video if he missed if he was planning on putting it on the internet". Only do that to your shooting buddies :)
Lol ya I have blanked a few when I was learning back tension . I only shot 8 targets and finished 6 up . Not bad but not good either . Trying to the same amount up as the nber of targets I shoot . So if I shoot 10 targets I want to finish at least 10 up .