3d leaf suits

Orrin Jr

Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2010
Reaction score
Montgomery Clarksville Tn
Does anyone use them? Do they rip easy? Do they kept the bugs out ok? Thank you for any in put I was thinking about buying one from Dicks but they look like they would rip easy and flies and or bugs would bite right though them.
If you get one get a quality one is my suggestion. The cheap ones will not last long.

Mossy oak diffusion set is very good quality
Whitewater made a pretty good one
Cabelas new version seems to be pretty good.

If you wash them do so inside out. I personally love them, I just wear and UA yugo and gym shots under mine to keep cool
I have never used one but I can't imagine going thru a bramble or rose thicket with one. Or even the random greenbriar in the woods
Yup same as Poser i have the MO Diffusion and they are very tough. I have had the jacket for a few years with no issues and the pants do surprisingly well through semi thick briar areas.

the main thing i love about them is you can really stay cool in them! I never wear a long sleeve shirt or pants when its hot, i just wear shorts and a sleeveless shirt then put my pants and jacket on when i get to the woods.
I wear one that I got from Bass Pro one year.
No clue on the brand and I think the complete outfit was on sale for around $99.

My favorite part about it is I can wear short sleeve shirts and use the leafy suit for camo.
If I wasn't so scared of chiggers and stuff I would wear shorts under the pants but I haven't gone that far yet.

The way mine is made it does nothing to protect against bugs of any kind.
Do the MO Diffusion with spary really keep ticks and chiggers out.

I'm gonna die early bc of how much of that stuff I put on my turkey and early deer stuff but I don't care. I have getting into those things thick. One or two don't bother me but I've had seed ticks cover me before and it was the worst!
BowGuy84 said:
Do the MO Diffusion with spary really keep ticks and chiggers out.

they do for me, but i COAT mine with the Sawyer spray 2x a week and i wear tall rubber boots.

I have not had a tick on my legs the past 3 seasons while wearing them.
I bought a 3-D hat to wear several years back,and got busted by a bird because I kept having to move the dang leaves out of my eye's! :D I steer clear of um' now.
I got the suit from BPS last year. All I wear under it is an UA shirt and a pair of the compression bug leggings BPS sells.

Its great until your hunting buddy sees you and calls you "Peter Pan."

Oh well....
That's funny, but would be more than I could take.

I have a cheaper set that was maybe $50 new. It's not very tough but the real problem for me is that it's very hot even if I don't have much under it.
For those that wear MO Diffusion, where can you get them now??
I've looked around the net and can't seem to find them.