I'm assuming your asking for help on how a tournament operates and not for advice on your setup.
First, become familar with the scoring system. Most clubs use McKenzie XT targets and here is a link on the rings and point values.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_JmMOTx_lmw However, ASA scoring has changed this year�there is no 14 and no upper twelve, unless it is called prior to the shot, but the video will give you the basics on how to score and what to aim for. Next, take a decent pair of binoculars�they will help you identify the rings and where to shoot. Here's a hint, especially on sunny days, often these shoots are set in wooded locations and you can use a shady line of a branch on the target, or a sunny-spot on it to use as a reference point on where to aim. Also, look for spots or other random features on the target to use as a point of reference to keep you lined up on the rings. Sometimes you will not be able to see the rings at 30yds+, so the only thing you may be able to use are these random points of reference. Here is a link on a place that sells the XT targets, but you can zoom in and see the kill rings on many of these targets
http://www.bowzmart.com/contents/en-us/ ... _core.html . Some places, like Lancaster Archery, sell cards/mini clipboards
http://www.lancasterarchery.com/third-h ... board.html that have the pics of the targets and the kills on them so you can take them with to shoots for reference...a good pair of 8X-10X binocs will eliminate the need for these most of the time, but you can look at them on here just to get familiar with them before you go.
If this is your first shoot, don't worry about shooting in a particular class...just shoot the "fun" class (30 yd max for men, but technically you can shoot from any stake), that way you don't have to worry about all of the rules so you can get your feet wet and have fun. Take a rangefinder! Most courses are split into two halves�known and unknown distances. Your first time, I would advise you to use your rangefinder on almost every shot, but guess the distance first and then range it to see how close you were, or weren't�guessing distances can be decieving at times, but with practice you will get better at it.
Another tip is to use the stakes as distance guides�most ASA shoots this will apply. At my club for instance, Old Hickory Lake Bowmen Club, we have 6 stakes 15, 20, 25, 30, 40 and 45 yard max distances. I shoot from the 40yd max stake, but alot of the time you can estimate the distance from the target to the 15yd max stake and then start counting/estimating backwards from stake to stake until you get to yours�when you get the hang of that you will be within 2-3yds estimation 90% of the time.
Practice specifically to find out how much drop you have�especially important if your shooting fixed pins. If your shooting fixed pins, you will need to know how much of a drop you have in between pins, so you can hold over/under the correct amount of inches. When I shoot hunter class (40yd max), I have to use fixed pins and in between 30-40yds I have 7" of drop, so it is very important for me to know where to hold that pin at on a 35yd target so the arrow can fall down into where I want it to.
Take a friend with you, but if you can't then don't worry about it because most shoots can pair you up with someone with ease. Most shoots are very informal and relaxed�no one will be guiding your group or following you around either. Most of all...have fun and relax�it's a great time being around like-minded folks! If you have any questions feel free to ask.