4-23-09 woodpile boys the streak continues(PICS)


Dec 30, 2008
Reaction score
Chapel Hill
Got a call from dodgeball last night and he asked if i wanted to hunt in the morning.So we met up about 5 and sat down @ 5:30 had burds gobbling there heads off but it didnt happen. So we met back up this afternoon and set off. Got on one about 3:30 and things just didnt pan out. It was 4:45 at this time and we went to the next spot and had a seat at about 5:30. THEONE calls and says he has some burds pined up, dodgeball and i jump in the truck and head that way. We sit down about 6:00 and let things calm down. He finally got in range. BOOM! Dodgeball has broken the ice.

21 pounds 11 1/4 beard 1 in spurs
(Train roll on, on down the line) Thanks for the great hunt, and congrats big brother glad I got to share it with you and burd. Spit we are trying to save, you one you better get down here soon LOL.
THE ONE said:
(Train roll on, on down the line) Thanks for the great hunt, and congrats big brother glad I got to share it with you and burd. Spit we are trying to save, you one you better get down here soon LOL.

TurkeyBurd you will have to cash in on a duck hunt in Arkansas now with the QuackShack boys since you keep puttin them on the turkeys, they can put you on the ducks. Congrats. Me and RNT got one picked out for the morning. I will hopefully be making my pic infront of the ol' woodpile
Nut- they wont know me during duck season. They are just my SEASONAL friends!!

WingNut said:
TurkeyBurd you will have to cash in on a duck hunt in Arkansas now with the QuackShack boys since you keep puttin them on the turkeys, they can put you on the ducks. Congrats. Me and RNT got one picked out for the morning. I will hopefully be making my pic infront of the ol' woodpile

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