drove up to a buddies place in KY today to get my hunt on. found a nice LB out in a field strutting with 2 hens and had a good idea where he was headed. Got around him to the edge of the woods and got set up. After about 20mins i see him on the crest of the hill still with the hens in full strut...hit a few light calls then let him have it with a fighting purr. He made his way down leaving the hens and came in to 25 yds. Looked like he had a feeling something was up so i decided to pull the trigger. CLICK....nothing happens. Seems i didnt close the action all the way when i dropped in the HV#7 shell so i had to try and eject the shell and chamber another one without having him run off. Started fighting and purring again while at the same time putting in another shell. At 35yds the stoeger barked and it was the end of the game. About 6mins after he was in my vest it started to rain! timed that one just right!!
23lbs, 1 1/4 spurs, 10inch beard
23lbs, 1 1/4 spurs, 10inch beard