Well-Known Member
I shot some Winchester Long Beard shells in my gun yesterday and what a pattern,they sure beat the Hevi-Shot I'd been using.At 30 yards,if the target had been a real turkey,it would have decapitated him!
Wrangler95":1sbqlvxo said:Well,since I was using a different brand and kind of shell I knew it wouldnt pattern the same as my Hevi-Shot shell and it didnt.I had to move my scope to the right,dead on.If I were you I believe I would pattern it at 30 yards if I were shooting a different shell ,it might save you a wounded turkey or miss!
That's what I do. My shoulder appreciates it.Roost 1":mkmyvj8c said:Wrangler95":mkmyvj8c said:Well,since I was using a different brand and kind of shell I knew it wouldnt pattern the same as my Hevi-Shot shell and it didnt.I had to move my scope to the right,dead on.If I were you I believe I would pattern it at 30 yards if I were shooting a different shell ,it might save you a wounded turkey or miss!
That's what dove loads are for. They are much cheaper... Once it's dead on at 40yd then I can switch to the big boy shells...
Once I'm dead on at 40..... No worries if he closer....
Roost 1":sqbac58d said:Wrangler95":sqbac58d said:Well,since I was using a different brand and kind of shell I knew it wouldnt pattern the same as my Hevi-Shot shell and it didnt.I had to move my scope to the right,dead on.If I were you I believe I would pattern it at 30 yards if I were shooting a different shell ,it might save you a wounded turkey or miss!
That's what dove loads are for. They are much cheaper... Once it's dead on at 40yd then I can switch to the big boy shells...
Once I'm dead on at 40..... No worries if he closer....
I would NEVER 100% trust light loads for POA=POI when using turkey loads to hunt with. I've seen that strategy fail several times with a few turkey guns/chokes. For a general idea of what the choke/gun is doing, it is okay, but I would not stop there and be convinced.Roost 1":3e4nw170 said:That's what dove loads are for. They are much cheaper... Once it's dead on at 40yd then I can switch to the big boy shells...
Once I'm dead on at 40..... No worries if he closer....
Correct. With my current loan/gun/choke combo, I aim a few inches lower at 20 to give myself some insurance in case I flinch or the head/neck area bobs. I aim at waddles/hair line at 30+, and about 2" lower when a bird is in my lap, say 10-20 yards. ANYONE shooting a tight turkey choke will benefit over time from doing the same.Roost 1":3tegz6xy said:Is it enough that you MUST aim differently to kill a turkey?
50 is no different than 10, 20, 30 and 40. If ONE truly wants to know what his combination is doing at those distances, it is in his or her best interest to TEST that exact hunting load at said distance. I don't practice at 20 and 30 yards with el cheapo arrows from Dollar General, why would I do the same with my turkey gun (which means 200 times more to me than a bow shot at a deer). Furthermore, if one shoots dense pellets (#4s) and a more open constriction choke, he/she may have to hold a hair over to compensate for fall and he/she may have poor pellet distribution at longer distances. One would NEVER know this by shooting a dove load, then ONE turkey load at 40 and calling it good. One may still kill turkeys doing this, but at the end of the day, one will NEVER 100% KNOW what his/her combination is doing unless it has been tested at ALL distances he/she will typically shoot a bird.Roost 1":3tegz6xy said:Now tell me about 50, what must you do differently.
It does not work 100% of the time, thus why I replied. It may work for you, but it is bad advice as a general rule of thumb for ALL turkey gun/choke/load combinations. IMO, you have been lucky to never encounter a POA/POI issue with this method ALONE. I would never wish a wounded or missed turkey on anyone because they didn't take the time to see what their combination was doing afield.Roost 1":3tegz6xy said:If my method don't work I can assure you something is bad wrong.
I agree that shooting high dollar shells at paper should be kept to a minimum for sake of money, abuse (recoil) and the fact one could develop a flinch over time as 3.5"s stomp a$$ at the range. My .02Roost 1":3tegz6xy said:....keep on wasting high dollar shells to sight their guns in at 20yds
I've seen several that do this, especially if testing out different shells and chokes from different manufacturers.woodsman87":1572g1uh said:But my guns do shoot different with turkey shells....
Andy S.":1q68keoz said:I've seen several that do this, especially if testing out different shells and chokes from different manufacturers.woodsman87":1q68keoz said:But my guns do shoot different with turkey shells....
My point exactly, thanks for offering up your "first hand" experience.Setterman":33ykpld5 said:My SBE II is 8" different with a dove load at 40 yards then with the XX Turkey loads I shoot. I roughed my FF 3 in with dove loads at 7 yards, then took the beating finalizing it with what I will be hunting with. It sucked something awful, but in the end if I don't miss it was well worth it.
I agree 110%.Setterman":33ykpld5 said:Nothing, and I mean nothing pisses me off more then missing a turkey. It will ruin me for days on end afterwards.
I do agree this may be OCD to some, but to me, if I can squeeze another old bird out of a spring by doing a "little more", then I do it. It may not be the answer for everyone, but it works for me.Roost 1":26qiybrd said:If you feel like you NEED to adjust your aim by Inches from 20-40 then by all means do so......
All, and I have a few.Roost 1":26qiybrd said:I do wonder if you ever have any beards left intact...
I agree 100% with this method.Roost 1":26qiybrd said:But the general rule is that you can sight your gun in dead on at 15yds with a dove load and then shoot the same load at 40yds and you should be CLOSE....fine tune if necessary using more dove loads. Then you switch to whatever shell you intend to hunt with and fine tune again until it's how you want it.
I wasn't looking to and apologize if I did.Roost 1":26qiybrd said:I honestly think you took my intent incorrectly..