A couple of decent 8 pts

Jul 15, 2005
Reaction score
Passed these two yesterday afternoon. They came through two minutes apart.
Patientence will pay off...this late in season hopefully they both make it....there is also some satisfaction in knowing that you could have....but chose not too.
At least seeing them on there feet while your hunting still gives a good thrill. And I'd say they got a good chance of making this late. Unless I was there. I'd take one of them. Only cause I haven't killed anything this year yet. I haven't hunted as much as I wanted to either. Not having a single morning sit yet.next year by god will be different. Only if I hadn't said that year after year I'd believe myself.
Nothing better than the feeling of passing up a buck you could have easily killed. Don't have to spend an hour putting him in the freezer, and if you are hungry, there are does for that.
Not seeing anything worth while across the road. Only thing taken across road was a 4.5 yr old 9pt so far this season. Plenty of does but, no decent mature buck have been seen.
They'd be shooters this year if it was me unless I had already shot one that good . HH takes some nice bucks each year .
Yes,lots of hunters would have shot them,I was actually meaning they would be shooters for HH next year,he always takes great bucks!