A little bit of a nervous rant.


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2014
Reaction score
Blount co tn
I love the info I get from the site, you all are wonderful resources.
I just wanted to say WOW this is complicated! I have never hunted the long bearded wonders but I look forward to it. I am also very anxious as a father of four and a full time nurse I don't have much time and I don't know where to even go. I imagine I will try the blount co. public land and tva hunting properties but still, its almost overwhelming.
I enjoy the outdoorsmanship of hunting,but I also would like to see a bird and get a chance to call him. Eating one would be a plus but eh I don;'t have to.
I don't have my gun yet but look forward to patterning it when I do but EH! it's stressful almost.

I hate to sound like a crying ninnie but this has been on my chest since I started reading about two months ago.THe sport seems so complicated. I look forward to trying my hand at calling, I have a pretty good technique with a push button box and my mouth call will really attract the drunk ducks and chickens.

Happy hunting :)
don't get over whelmed just take little steps. I would try to go to the nwtf show in Nashville if you can get over there it is awesome. I wouldn't worry as much at mastering the mouth call right now try you hand at slates and friction calls. work on just simple yelps first then work from there. the biggest advice I can give you is don't over call! that's probably the biggest mistakes I see in turkey hunting I still do it every now and then. it takes some discipline not to call sometimes when he his gobbling his head off but just don't over call. other then that learn every time your out there. WARNING!!! turkey hunting is addictive so just be ready lol and also if you know anyone that turkey hunts and has some experience try to get them to take you, you can learn a whole lot from an experienced hunter. don't be afraid to ask questions on here lot of great turkey hunters on here with a lot of advice to give to someone new.
Don't be nervous. Keep it fun. We all still learn something every hunt. Leave the mouth calls alone for now. Get you a knight and hale yella hammer and practice practice practice. They are cheap, easy to find, and sound great. Don't pay attention to all the choke/shell info yet. Get your gun and we will get you going. All the other stuff will come later or not. Some of us love shooting paper and testing but it's not necessary after you settle on a choke/shell combo and shoot it to learn its limitations. Baby steps.
Nsg, if I were closer, I'd go with you. Sometimes a couple tag-along trips will really help. I'd almost guarantee you'd find a buddy to go with you on here.

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