Well-Known Member
Today was a 100% rain day and I decided to tackle reducing the trigger pull on the 582 that I picked up 2 weeks ago. I read and re-read everything that I could find on rimfirecentral.com concerning this task and was confident that I could get it done. I had ordered the recommended carbide drills last week and had them ready to go. After drilling a hole to be able to visually inspect the trigger/sear engagement I drilled a new pivot hole through the housing and trigger. This moved the trigger pivot up .400" in a direct line from the sear/trigger engagement point to the original pivot point giving more leverage/less pull effort. The original trigger/sear spring was replaced with one that I picked up at my local Ace Hardware today. 5 coils had to be cut off it and I had to open up the notch on the sear about .010" to get the desired fit. Once everything was drilled and trial fit I smoothed all the edges of the housing and reassembled everything. The result went from about 6lbs to a 2lb trigger pull with just a little take up and zero over travel. I bump tested and went through all the recommended safety checks that I would normally do when working with a trigger and this one passed every test.
A few pics……
A few pics……