? about cutting off 835 Barrel and choke ?


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2004
Reaction score
Jamestown, TN
Got a local guy that is claiming he can cut off your Mossberg 835 barrel and thread it to accept Rem Chokes, it will no longer accept 835 chokes just Rem Chokes. He says he doesnt have the tools to get a Mossberg to accept a Mossberg choke. Im not thinking of doing this or anything but Im wondering if this is common practice and if its even safe? Just doesnt seem right to me when dealing with a firearm but I guess it could be. Thanks.
could be wrong but isn't the 835 bore way bigger than remington bores. if so i don't see how it could accept rem chokes.
I believe my 10 gauge Remington chokes used to fit my 835. Wonder why he does it, with all the chokes that are available now?
go_okfishin said:
I believe my 10 gauge Remington chokes used to fit my 835. Wonder why he does it, with all the chokes that are available now?
i didn't even think about the 10ga rem chokes working. but i'm like you, why would you?
I doubt they are way bigger..maybe a few thousands.. it couldnt be way bigger or the gas would escape around the wad and the shot would fall out the end of the barrel.. I used to thread thin wall chokes into all brands of guns.. I think the tap and reamer i used was from colonial arms.. I see no reason to cut a barrel and re thread it unless its damaged or just waaay to long...
I think people are going to him because he is the only game in town and people dont want to take stuff out of town and actually get it done the way its supposed to be. Anyway, supposedly around 50 shotguns have been done this way and Ive not heard of any damage so who knows.
muddyboots said:
So the gun is not threaded for chokes as is?

If its an 835 then I assume they are threaded, these folks are just wanting barrel length reduced. Again, Im not considering doing it, just seeing if its even safe to do or not.