Well-Known Member
Finally, FINALLY, got him to make a mistake. Went in Sat afternoon and picked a spot yo sot this morning. (Anniversary was yest, so thats a no hunt day to my wife apparently). Went in early this morning and didnt even make it to the tree with him gobbling. First time he gobbled was 530. He hit the ground at 20 steps at 6:07 gobbling. I have never seen anything like it. Hens I think busted me and stayed in ths trees. I guess he got antsy... Win Supreme #5 blew the top of his head smooth off. 1in spurs and 3 beards. 11 in, 6 in, and 4 in... Weighed in at 22lbs... Cant get pics to load from my phone. Andy S, can you add them for me please...