Coach said:
Acceptable? If you know the area of the kill zone and you can hit that area from different angles in different weather from max to min distance regularly...that's acceptable. Do you ever hunt in the rain and snow? Do you practice in the rain and snow? I think to be accurate you gotta practice in conditions that are comparable to the way you hunt...When hunting, I sit, kneel and stand so that's how I practice. I hunt in snow and rain so I follow suit with practicing. If you put your foot against the tree or platform and lean out away from the tree with only your harness holding you to shoot a deer (yup, it's happened) then practice that too. And if you can do all that and hit the kill zone's acceptable. I also have learned from some of Radar's posts, you younger shooters can learn by reading and trying what he says...
I agree with Coach and Radar, EXCEPT-- Whatever maximum distance you can keep those arrows in the Kill Zone-- Cut the distance in half. That is a good maximum shooting range on a live animal in a real hunting scenario. This will make room for rush of adrenaline that your body receives when your quarry is near.
So if I can keep my shots in the kill zone at 60 yards them 30 yards is my maximum hunting range. 70 yards at the range gives me 35 yards while hunting.