

Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2004
Killen, AL


Active Member
Nov 18, 2013
I know acorns are great for my deer, but I'm a food plot guy so I hate heavy acorn years. Last year was near record acorn crop on my white oaks even as dry as it was in late summer/early fall.Typically when I have a big acorn year the next year doesn't have many. Thats my hope. I love watching em walk into those plots instead of eating acorns from their bed.


Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2008
The past 2 years I've discovered I know nothing about deer. We've had both extremes - 2022 was the driest year I can remember and the first year in my life I never found 1 acorn (on 600+ acres). I thought they'd be all over the place looking for food. No, they didn't even leave their summer range in my area. In contrast, 2023, more acorns I can remember in my life. I thought they'd have an abundance of energy chasing does all over. Nope, didn't move at all - didn't have to. I now just hope for average acorn years.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 1999
Nashville, TN
The past 2 years I've discovered I know nothing about deer. We've had both extremes - 2022 was the driest year I can remember and the first year in my life I never found 1 acorn (on 600+ acres). I thought they'd be all over the place looking for food. No, they didn't even leave their summer range in my area.
This is what we experienced, and to extremes. My place is rugged ridge-and-hollow hardwoods surrounded on almost all sides by huge agricultural bottomlands. In 2022, the deer never left the bottomlands. hardly a deer on my place, primarily because our food plots failed from the drought. And no acorns. Not one.

In contrast, 2023, more acorns I can remember in my life. I thought they'd have an abundance of energy chasing does all over. Nope, didn't move at all - didn't have to. I now just hope for average acorn years.
We had the largest acorn crop I can remember last year, but we DID see a lot of movement. In fact, we experienced the highest sighting rate of older bucks we've ever experienced in almost 40 years. We didn't necessarily have that many more older bucks using the place (a total of 24 instead of the average of 18, but 24 is not a record), but they were moving like crazy. The strange thing was, even with all the acorns, they were hitting the food plots like crazy.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 1999
Nashville, TN
I know acorns are great for my deer, but I'm a food plot guy so I hate heavy acorn years. Last year was near record acorn crop on my white oaks even as dry as it was in late summer/early fall.Typically when I have a big acorn year the next year doesn't have many. Thats my hope. I love watching em walk into those plots instead of eating acorns from their bed.
If I hunted an area of hardwoods surrounded by hundreds of acres of similar hardwoods, I would hate big acorn crops too. Nothing to concentrate deer movement and deer wouldn't need to move far to feed. But being a big patch of hardwoods surrounded by agricultural bottomlands, I love a big acorn crop! Once the crops have been harvested in the bottoms, all those big-antlered ag deer flood my acorn-producing hardwoods!


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2019
Coffee County
The past 2 years I've discovered I know nothing about deer. We've had both extremes - 2022 was the driest year I can remember and the first year in my life I never found 1 acorn (on 600+ acres). I thought they'd be all over the place looking for food. No, they didn't even leave their summer range in my area. In contrast, 2023, more acorns I can remember in my life. I thought they'd have an abundance of energy chasing does all over. Nope, didn't move at all - didn't have to. I now just hope for average acorn years.

Every time I've thought I knew something about deer, I was proven a fool. Almost all of the deer "common knowledge" is loose tendency, not concrete. I think that's why so many people can have such drastically different opinions. I know for sure on my property there is almost never a repeated, exact, predictable pattern. Every season is completely different.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 1999
Nashville, TN
Every time I've thought I knew something about deer, I was proven a fool. Almost all of the deer "common knowledge" is loose tendency, not concrete. I think that's why so many people can have such drastically different opinions. I know for sure on my property there is almost never a repeated, exact, predictable pattern. Every season is completely different.
This time 10,000! Every time I think I have deer figured out, they prove me wrong. That's what makes hunting and managing deer so frustrating and enlightening.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 1999
Nashville, TN
We are pretty dry in southern middle tennessee. I have been seeing big hickorieswell loaded on my daily runs but cant telll sbout the oaks yet. We really need a good rain here
Like in the past couple of dry summers, I'm seeing hickories drop nuts now. The trees can't carry to maturity what they set due to the dry conditions.