After work hunting?


Well-Known Member
Jun 6, 2011
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So the land I have hunted the past 2 morning with gobbles at me is just a few mins away from my work. I dont get out of work most days until 4 or later. Is there any point on sitting on after work for a while or just wait until the next weekend when I have the morning roost time to go??
the area I hunt is at a field edge. They roost within the woods. I do not have to walk by the roosting area since it is across a creek on another property. What is the likely hood of calling in a bird in the afternoon anyway? slim?
They will come in to a call in the evening, especially if you can get set up before 5. If they are roosting near there, they will be heading towards you anyway. Lots of gobblers will gobble late afternoon, but it's more likely they will come in silent.

I'd keep the calling light unless you have other hens fired up.
Interesting. I did not bring my clotes to change into today..but I may bring them with me tomorrow..because I can easily get set up before 5.

Do they roost in the same area / trees week after week? or do they change position often?
Interesting. I would love to get a bird in my first ever season. I should have started the first week it opened, but didnt get started until this past weekend.

At this point I am trying to weigh the pros and cons of going on after work hunts. It would put me in place before 5pm.
A few years ago I had hunted a bird that was driving me crazy.

He gobbled his head off, and the one time I got him to commit, I was sitting in too open an area. My gun was at 12:00, and I knew he was coming. He stepped from behind a tree at my 2:00 about 25 yds out. As soon as he stepped out, he pegged me, putted and was gone before I could get on him.

That ate at me up all day. I was coaching my daughter's ball game that night. It started at 7:00. I got off at 4:00 and headed that way. I ALMOST turned around thinking I was wasting my time.

When I got there, He was gobbling his head off pretty close to where I had left him.

I sat up and soft called for an hour or so. He would gobble sporadically, but didn't budge.

I needed to leave at 6:00 to get back in time for the game. At 5:50, I started cutting at him. He went nuts. I kept it up, and he marched all the way to the gun. One of my most satisfying hunts.

I've said all of that to say this, GO :D !
VolDoug said:
A few years ago I had hunted a bird that was driving me crazy.

He gobbled his head off, and the one time I got him to commit, I was sitting in too open an area. My gun was at 12:00, and I knew he was coming. He stepped from behind a tree at my 2:00 about 25 yds out. As soon as he stepped out, he pegged me, putted and was gone before I could get on him.

That ate at me up all day. I was coaching my daughter's ball game that night. It started at 7:00. I got off at 4:00 and headed that way. I ALMOST turned around thinking I was wasting my time.

When I got there, He was gobbling his head off pretty close to where I had left him.

I sat up and soft called for an hour or so. He would gobble sporadically, but didn't budge.

I needed to leave at 6:00 to get back in time for the game. At 5:50, I started cutting at him. He went nuts. I kept it up, and he marched all the way to the gun. One of my most satisfying hunts.

I've said all of that to say this, GO :D !

Thanks!...that makes me want to take off as soon as I get off work...but I left the clothes at home. I may bring them with me tomorrow.

I think it should be fine as long as I dont happen to bump him on my way in since I have to just walk open field the whole way in....Or I guess I could try to walk fence line.

Like I was stating earlier ...the 2 days I have been to this spot I have not seen a gobbler in the open ...only hens in the afternoon feeding time. It sounds great just thinking about going for the afternoon, but I also dont wanna kick myself for ruining my spot. Im at about 50/50% with the idea of trying to go. If I go after work some days, that gives me lots more hunting days...if I limit it down to only weekends left then I have only a few hunts left.
I would go i go every day after work then again we have very very very very slim population of birds in my county, so i always end up looking for arrowheads or something, but i go i killed 2 last year because i just happened to throw my stuff in the truck when i went rock huntin
Rockhound said:
I would go i go every day after work then again we have very very very very slim population of birds in my county, so i always end up looking for arrowheads or something, but i go i killed 2 last year because i just happened to throw my stuff in the truck when i went rock huntin

Were you just wandering around? I dont have much area to wander around where I wouldnt get seen very easily, so thats why I dont want to move too too much.
I'd be careful if I had to walk a long ways through a field to get close to him. Take your crow call and see if he'll gobble, when you get to the fields' edge. Either way, be careful slipping in...
Bullfrog said:
I'd be careful if I had to walk a long ways through a field to get close to him. Take your crow call and see if he'll gobble, when you get to the fields' edge. Either way, be careful slipping in...

actually the first day i went and sat and listened in work clothes just off in the distance I hit a crow call and thats how i knew that there were gobblers in the area. I could him them shock gobble off in the distance in the woods. I cant really slip into the woods unfortunatly so the only option I get on this property is hunting next to the creek at the field edge. I just want to sweet talk him out of the woods into the field if I can.
I brought all of my stuff to work today, but I am still a little undecided if I will go or not. I am trying to think of a way to sneak in without being detected...The only way I really have in is to the bottom of the open field (it goes downhill) toward the creek / field edge where I set up on the outside of the woods.
alright I have been doing more reading while at work today and still can not make up my mind. Sounds like the best option for the later afternoon/evening is more of an ambush style hunt...or one where you sit between the gobbler and his roosting area waiting on him to come by on his way to roost.

I dont think really either one of these are possible since I think the birds are roosting a few hundred yards away on a hill in the woods where I dont have a 100% yes I can hunt there.. I havent seen a male walking the fields while feeding. I have had a hen 2 days this past weekend stop up in the field and eye my decoys and then continue feeding.

Do I go and sit the field edge and just hope it gets used by a gobbler at times? or should I try to manuever toward the roost if I can gain access to that area?
I personally enjoy hunting the afternoons. Like the others said, if you can get between them and their roost site, you stand a good chance for success.

I have killed 3 birds this year and belive it or not, all have been killed in the afternoon after 5:00 pm and the latest was 6:45 on opening weekend.

I primarily hunt fields in the evening in an attempt to catch them feeding their way back to their roost site.
I am also thinking about maybe going to Tellico public TVA land and walking the gravel roads and shock calling / cutting to see if I can get on one. Which do you guys think I have a better chance of?
DeerWhisperer said:
I personally enjoy hunting the afternoons. Like the others said, if you can get between them and their roost site, you stand a good chance for success.

I have killed 3 birds this year and belive it or not, all have been killed in the afternoon after 5:00 pm and the latest was 6:45 on opening weekend.

I primarily hunt fields in the evening in an attempt to catch them feeding their way back to their roost site.

Thanks for the reply. I actually think I am going to go to some land I know pretty well from hunting it for deer. I spotted turkey on it during the I bet they hang out on this land...its a big peninsula on the lake with plenty of fields and wood to be home for turkey. There are gravel roads walking between the woods and fields. I think here in a bit i am going to gear up...walk and shock call and cutt to see if I cant hear or spot one. I am going to leave the private land for the weekends since I cant really walk too much into the area where I think they are roosting.
So I have been walking the wears bend area in vonore. I found some tracks in mud but I haven't heard the first gobble or yelp or anything. I have walked all over this place cuttin and hitting the crow locator. I may have better luck on the small private land I was sitting
93civEJ1 said:
So I have been walking the wears bend area in vonore. I found some tracks in mud but I haven't heard the first gobble or yelp or anything. I have walked all over this place cuttin and hitting the crow locator. I may have better luck on the small private land I was sitting

Wears Bend gets a LOT of people traffic. If I was turkey there I wouldn't make a sound.