A few years ago I had hunted a bird that was driving me crazy.
He gobbled his head off, and the one time I got him to commit, I was sitting in too open an area. My gun was at 12:00, and I knew he was coming. He stepped from behind a tree at my 2:00 about 25 yds out. As soon as he stepped out, he pegged me, putted and was gone before I could get on him.
That ate at me up all day. I was coaching my daughter's ball game that night. It started at 7:00. I got off at 4:00 and headed that way. I ALMOST turned around thinking I was wasting my time.
When I got there, He was gobbling his head off pretty close to where I had left him.
I sat up and soft called for an hour or so. He would gobble sporadically, but didn't budge.
I needed to leave at 6:00 to get back in time for the game. At 5:50, I started cutting at him. He went nuts. I kept it up, and he marched all the way to the gun. One of my most satisfying hunts.
I've said all of that to say this, GO
