Also BSK, I have found 3 scrapes already this year. 2 of them were really good ones. I peed in all of them but only had 2 cameras to set up. I've been fighting the urge to check them but I want to give them atleast 2 weeks. 1 week is gone so hopefully some more pics to come next week. I'm guessing the deer are using these scrapes only for communication right now and not mating. Correct? ..... On a side note, I have not been using a pee bottle the last 2 years. I have observed some deer that seem naturally skiddish, to some that seem overly skiddish when they have approached my stand after I have relieved myself. Some deer are curious. For instance, I had a 4 pointer last week walk right under my stand and sniff the urine. He even stood in it and sniffed my tow rope hanging from above. He walked away feeding on acorns. Then last friday I observed a doe sniff a spot where I had relieved myself 2 mornings before. So for now I'm sticking with the no pee bottle regimen. I don't think it has cost me any deer sightings. In the case of last year where I peed in deer scrapes. I think it actually increased deer activity, as there were multiple scrapes made around the original afterwards. Thats all. Well be in touch. Thanks