Nah man, I've hunted 5 of the 6 first days, and gobbling has been limited especially on the ground.
Saturday I heard a bird gobble about 3 times on the limb
Sunday I heard a handful of gobbles on the limb, granted there was 2" of snow on everything
Monday I heard 4 or 5 birds which burned it up on the limb pretty good with one being a suicide bird that basically sprinted to me where he died
Wednesday I heard a bird gobble about 4 times
Today I heard 4 birds most of which gobbled once or twice on the roost, and one that gobbled 4 times before I missed him.
The places I hunt I should be hearing 3 times that many birds right now and have consistent ground gobbling until 10 am. However, it is extremely quiet and very tough.
IMO there is nothing harder to kill than a non vocal turkey. Keep your head up it will get much much better soon.