Anchor Point


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2007
Reaction score
Cookeville, TN
I've got a new set up and with some instruction I have lowered my wrist to where my my index knuckle anchors below my ear lobe. With my new set up, the string no longer touches the tip of my nose, which had been an anchor point for me before. The new form feels good and I am having good results. My draw length is 29" and my bow is drawing at 29.5". Is this uncommon or going to be an issue?
I have had the same anchor point from day one because it is how I am comfortable. I'm sure there is a text book way to anchor but I would ignore it. Anchor where you are comfortable and you will be relaxed during the shot. That being said. don't change your anchor to fit the bow change the bow to fit your anchor.
When I first started shooting I didn't really focus on what my anchor point was. The only thing I focused on was touching my nose to the string. Once I got comfortable with how I was shooting, I realized that every single time I was touching the knuckle of my index finger to the bottom of my ear.
So my anchor points just became natural to me, in a way.
If you have a draw length to long you need to change it asap! You can get Modules from Parker really cheap and the bow shop you bought the new bow at should do it for free because youbought it there. I can shoot a much longer draw than I currently do. I bet I am close to an inch short. I love it that way.
A 1/2 inch makes a huge difference.....are we still talking about bows??? :)
richmanbarbeque said:
If you have a draw length to long you need to change it asap! You can get Modules from Parker really cheap and the bow shop you bought the new bow at should do it for free because youbought it there. I can shoot a much longer draw than I currently do. I bet I am close to an inch short. I love it that way.
A 1/2 inch makes a huge difference.....are we still talking about bows??? :)
