Not quite the same experience (wasn't a "dead" deer), but I had a wounded buck charge me. I had made an uncharacteristic bad hit (in the hip as the buck was quartering away at a fast trot after a doe), and had trailed the buck for a considerable distance, up and down steep hills. My BIL and I got to a point where the blood trail led into a small patch of thick cover, only about 40 yards across. As my BIL crawled into the cover to follow the blood trail, I went around the other side to see if I could find the blood trail coming out of the brush. As I got around the far side, I hear crashing and looked up to see my 10-point buck coming out of the brush, antlers down and coming right at me full-tilt. I could not see my BIL so I didn't feel safe shooting at the oncoming buck. All I could do was back up fast as the buck came at me. Eventually I ducked behind a big oak tree hoping the buck would run on past. Nope. He was coming for me! He chased me around the tree a couple of times before deciding it was time to high-tail-it out of there. As he turned to run away, he was so close to me I actually stuck my rifle barrel in his ribs and fired. Hardly even fazed him. That buck was so jacked up on adrenaline it took four rounds from my 7mm-08 and four from my BIL's 30-30 to bring him down.