I am a little late in the game but finally got one on the ground. This bird was shacked up with a hen and luckily got bored and headed my way. I've never seen a bird strut and gobble so much in my life. 24lbs, 9 7/8 inch beard, 7/8 inch spurs. He was weighed at a check in station on their scales.
I shot him with the Federal 3rd Degree turkey load in 3 1/2. I have read several bad comments about these shells but I could not be happier. This bird went down around 40 yards and my wad was laying right next to him.
[URL=http://s521.photobucket.com/us.../albums/w338/requalls21/Turkey 2015.jpg[/img][/url]
I shot him with the Federal 3rd Degree turkey load in 3 1/2. I have read several bad comments about these shells but I could not be happier. This bird went down around 40 yards and my wad was laying right next to him.
[URL=http://s521.photobucket.com/us.../albums/w338/requalls21/Turkey 2015.jpg[/img][/url]