Another prime rib question


Well-Known Member
2-Step Enabled
Nov 19, 1999
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Called a meat place earlier and inquired about getting one.
They have them in stock and he said a bone in would be $10.99 per pound.

He was asking me how many I wanted and all that and I told him I was gonna feed 5 people and he said I needed a 4 or 5 bone.
He went on to say it would be 2/3 choice.

What does 2/3 choice mean?
I assume it means 2/3 would be choice and 1/3 would be either select or prime?
I am also assuming, if that is true the 1/3 would be select instead of prime?
along with the grading system you also have 2 cuts if the butcher divides the full 7 rib cut. for a 4 rib roast its usually ribs 6-9 which comes from the chuck end. the chuck end has more fat and a little less tender. ribs 10-12 is the loin cut, less fat, a little more tender, smaller (3 rib) and a little more expensive.

fyi, 2/3 rib is what you would typically find in choice certified angus beef as a reference.