Another sight in question


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2006
Reaction score
Morgan Co
Since most ML's shoot differ with a clean barrel vs a dirty barrel,when your sighting in your ML do you sight it in for a clean barrel or a dirty barrel??

Do you shoot the first shot,and then adjust from there,and then clean the barrel,like it has never been shot and then take another shot?

Or do you take your first shot with your clean barrel and just adjusting from there?
I think you accidentally posted in the wrong forum.

As for your question... I clean mine after EACH shot. I shoot a TC Omega and it will shot 1" groups at 100 yards.

I run a cleaning patch, couple of dry patches, seasoning patch, couple of dry patches.

It may sound excessive, but my gun shoots very well.
I sight in with the method I'll be using in the field.

If I have a load that gives consistent results without cleaning between shots, then that's what I sight-in the gun for.

Personally, I plan to carry clean patches in my pocket and will swab the barrel once with a slightly damp patch before reloading. It works well with my 777. In the past, with different gun and powder, I adjusted my load until I found one that the second shot out of an un-swabbed barrel hit close to the shot from a clean barrel, then set sights for that.