Any Duck Hunters?


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2006
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If anyone is on a lease or knows of a lease or some private property I would be interested in joining. I have been looking online and all I can find really are leases in west TN which is not really good since I am in east TN most of the time. If anyone has any info I would appreciate the heads up.

On another note it might be pretty fun to get together for a duck hunt with a couple guys from the forum. Maybe next year we can go try and draw a blind and put together a hunting party? Just a thought.

Also I am going to get a lab sometime in the near future and start training him for ducks. If anyone else trains labs let me know I will want to pick your brain about it. Everyone have a good rifle opener. Ben.
I'm in east Tenn. S. knoxville, and I'd rather duck hunt than eat (you see how big I am, and you will realize how much I like to duck hunt). Dont know much about the leases in W tenn, cause I do most of my hunting in NC. I trained my chesapeake bay retriever and could not be more proud of her, but I trained her specifically to my way of hunting. I needed a meat dog, not a field trial dog (nothing wrong with the field trials, just did'nt see the need to train for a 250yd blind retrieve, when we hunt mostly small thick beaver swamps. My biggest tip for training a dog, is to have patience, and then go out and find some more patience. If the dog has it, it will come together eventually, but you have to stick with it everyday. I'm am in no way a pro at training, but all friends enjoy hunting with her, so PM me if you have any questions.
I'm thinking about taking the boat out after Thanksgiving and trying to find some divers on the big lakes around here.
Well I am in Knoxville with you I looked up and saw there was a dog training club here in town I might contact them. You will defiantly hear from me I am sure. I would like to see your dog work sometime that would help me more than anything. If you ever have room for one more when you go around here let me know. I am always willing to put down some ducks. Its just too addicting, all my friends from west TN got me addicted and we just don't have the kind of ducks they do. Just let me know, I am sure you will hear from me with dog questions in the future.

Do you ever try and draw the TWRA blinds? If you don't we could put in together next year and draw a blind.
Only lived here a little over a year, and last year was so hectic with the move, that I only killed one duck. Killed a truck load of geese but none here, all NC. My chessy stays with my father in NC, cause since moving, I really don't have the time or the space to devote to her, but she is old enough now (6years old) that she is well seasoned and finished. My dad lets her loose every day and keeps her sharp on her obedience, and she rides the 4 wheeler with him everyday to check the farm, and plus she loves that man, and would attack a bus to protect him, he does not hunt, but she gives him good company while he is outside, I never realized I would miss her so much. I took her with me last time I went home, and she retrieved 12 geese and 70 doves(there was a group of us) in two days. I'm looking into getting a boykin spaniel now. I all for the draw hunts.
Hey guys...just moved here myself in july of 06. I have a Chessie, German Short Hair and English setter. The Chessie is very rough but should be able to get the job done when I finally shoot a real bird over him. He is three this month but he acts like a six month old puppy. The GSH will handle whatever you throw at him but hasn't been worked in over a year because of the move. Setter is death on quail and woodcock but is getting on in years.

I moved from Maine and I will be honest the duck/goose hunting in East TN seems to suck. I have been to AR and West Tn a few times seen lots, and I mean more in one day than I would see in a season in Maine and five seasons in East but not much luck in calling them.

Between the refuges and lack of cold weather to freeze up the small stuff I think the birds have to many places to go that are safer than the river. I am pretty good at calling geese but I suck at ducks so maybe that is part of the problem.

I live in Maryville and would be interested in meeting a few people to hunt and/or train dogs with.
I will be getting my first lab to train I wouldn't mind meeting getting some tips, I am starting to worry training the dog is going to be a big headache. How hard is it to train a retriever?
Depends on what you want it to do. The basics are pretty simple. If the dog has good instincts it is just getting the obedience down and honing his instincts to your need. If you want him to do hand signals and 100+ yard blind retrieves; stuff like that it is more work. A lot of it boils down to time. If you are religious about your traing (30 minutes per day) and follow a proven program then you can get a lot out of a dog that has ok to good instincts. If you don't put in the time then he won't be much regardless of how much pedigree he has. There are a ton of good resources for training dogs. Do a search for retriever forums and you will find a couple of good message boards with a ton of very experienced people. I found that the system you use and being religious to that system are very important.

Some people don't like to hear this but I would also advise getting a collar. I don't think it is better than the old ways but it is a lot faster way to get the same results.

I think there are a couple of "pro" trainers in the area. One in Sweetwater and another in Kingsport. I think the one in Kingsport has nationally ranked dogs.

I work in West Knoxville (by West Town Mall)so maybe we can get together some afternoon.
Might have to I am down by campus. I want a dog I can take duck hunting and nothing else. I am not worried about 100 yard blind retrieves or any competition I just want a solid dog that I can take to the blind with me.
If any of you guys want to travel to West tn and hunt with me and my buddy you are more than welcome to come there is a hotel here in town and we are about an hour from our duck hole on the Tn river we have killed 23 on 4 hunts this year still slow here just aren't getting new ducks yet. But pack your bags and come on down if you want. It is a open invite just give me a pm and I can let you know when I am off work I can't promise a slaughter but I can promise a good time.
TNdeerhunter, thanks for the most generous offer! Sounds like us East Tn boys need put together a little roadtrip. I have a duramax crew cab and a thirty foot camper too so we can save on hotels.
If you guys do that we might have to blind hop cause my river blind will only shoot 4 at the max. but It would be no problem man we would figure something out I got some places that we keep to ourselves at the river and hunt off the bank and kill ducks and we have 2 layout blinds and I can get about 2 or 3 more if necessary
Nothing crazy just two or three of us would be my guess. Hell, I don't actually know anyone around here yet. A few of us might get togther and everyone will think I am a crazy a-hole yankee and skin me for the shear fun of it.

The one thing I am is honest. I swear a lot, hit only maybe one in ten birds and my dog is as annoying as I am (maybe more). I do have a few good jokes and if you google my name I come up on Americas Most wanted as a pimp nicknamed Sugar Shaft.

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