Any Idea

Grizzly Johnson

Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2008
Reaction score
what would cause the arrow to wiggle from side to side in flight but hit the aim point every time?

It's not a severe wiggle, but I notice it.... I have tried to adjust the rest to see if it makes a difference but I can't tell. The arrow doesn't appear to hit anything on the way out so I don't know....

As long as it keeps hitting POA it doesn't bother me too much..... just trying to nail down the cause. Otherwise, the bow shoots AWESOME.
Anything that lets or makes the arrow off the string out of line will cause the arrow to fishtail. Sometimes the movement is not enough to make you miss especially if you have adjusted your sights to accomodate it. If you are hitting good now I wouldn't change this close to the season.
Are your fletchings all the same color? Sometimes the lighting will play tricks on you if you have diff color fletchings.

Have you shot it through paper at 20yds? If the fletching hasn't stabilized the arrow at 20yds then you have a vane contact or spine issue.
Jeremy, sounds like you arrow spline may ba a little light, or you are getting some fletching contact on your rest. Also make sure your limbs are even, i'm sure they are but I have seen them get out of adjustment and cause similar problems.
Here's a fast way to check spine. Decrease your draw weight two full turns on the limb bolts and see what happens. If you have good vane clearance I bet the arrow flight gets better.

The best way to know what it's doing is to shoot through paper. I shoot all of my bows through paper from 6' out to 20yds. Then I can rule out my eyes playing tricks on me and know if I have good arrow flight or not.
Velocity kills said:
I was thinking a light spine and a little extra arrow flex. Sound like it is recovering in time.

I chose the arrows to use with my bow..... the guy at the archery shop helped..... so I felt like I made the correct pick. We didn't run any programs to find numbers or anything like that.... just looked up the charts and based of draw weight and length....

I am only shooting around 55 lbs on my draw weight... I don't remember the numbers on the arrow off hand and I am not home to look.

bobthebowhunter said:
Are the arrows hitting their mark at different yardages? If so then don't monkey with it. Tinker in the spring.

Arrows ALWAYS hit their mark to the best of my aiming ability. Just when I shoot at 20-25 yards I notice the slight fishtail...maybe cause I am so close to the target and can see it more pronounced.
If they fishtail with field points they'll plane with fixed blade broadheads.
JayMc said:
If they fishtail with field points they'll plane with fixed blade broadheads.

So does that mean the shot will be off and I need to be practicing with broadheads....

All I have at the moment are mechanical heads.... plan on ordering some Buzzcuts by this weekend.
You can't say for certain that they'll be off with broadheads, but there's an extremely high likelihood that they will be.

If a mechanical head does not hit with the arrow straight it's going to lose momentum quickly, which decreases your odds of a pass through.

You can probably tune it out quickly though. Shoot it through paper so you know what it's doing. If there's a tear try decreasing the draw weight by two full turns (4-6lbs) and repeat. If it's better then you have a quick fix and can decide what to do about arrows. If it's worse then try a draw weight above where it is right now and repeat. That's the quickest way to rule out a spine issue.

Can you get to a shop easily to have someone look at it with you?
I noticed my arrows doing a little fish tailing just yesterday. I shot my lumenoks and you can really see a little fish tail with it, but it hit right where I aimed and when the arrow hit, they were all straight. I just thought it was my nock or my release.
I has to be me.... the guy at the other archery shop said those arrows were the correct spine. Said most likely it was me...

Bought a Scott release today and tried it tonight.... that being the different factor, my POA/POI changed 4 inches to the right and 2 inches down..... just going to shoot what I have been practicing with for now..... too close to time to be messing with it now.

May have to adjust a tad for those Nugent arrows though... got dark on me today.... had to wait for the neighbor to finish mowing his yard so I could shoot.